
Fish Tale Gift Card

A Word about Lenny & Joe's Holiday Gift Cards

As you know, in the past prior to 2020, discounted gift cards had been a Fish Tale December tradition. It was just one way that we tried to thank our loyal customers.

The last 3 years has been challenging to say the least. Like all businesses, our restaurants face challenges and hurdles that remain for us and everyone in the industry. Food costs, especially seafood, have literally doubled and tripled from just a few years ago. Virtually all supply costs have greatly increased. The minimum wage increases and labor shortage is real, and we have been hit with substantially much higher payrolls.

We are thankful to have so many long-time employees that have enabled us to keep open and operating with regular hours. We have not been forced to close certain days of the week, or curtail hours. The "supply chain" dilemma has also  put more pressure on our operations.  

Therefore, earlier this year, we had no choice but to take (what we consider) larger than normal increases in our prices in order to continue operations. We are very sensitive to how these price increases affect our customers and are always looking for ways to lessen the impact by keeping them as reasonable as possible.

We are now working on razor thin margins. Consequently, offering a discounted GIFT CARD promotion cannot happen without creating more pressure and need to further greatly raise our prices. 

 Thank you for your support, understanding, and loyalty during these trying times. All of us at Lenny and Joe's remain optimistic for the future of Lenny & Joe's, the restaurant industry, and the strength and tenacity of all of those affected so many ways by the current challenges.

We will certainly continue to have Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale Gift Cards available for your holiday shopping. They are the perfect gift for family, friends, employees and neighbors….and they always Fit!


Lenny, Joe and Jim